LLM GUIDE > Blogs > LLM from USA - top colleges. Khagesh Gautam on an LL. M. in Constitutional Law from Columbia. LLB, JD or LLM, courses, Student World Online.
Studying Law in the U. S. - Study Abroad. All about an LLM – Part II - Live Law.

Top Law Colleges and universities in US. Best USA Legal Schools
25 Jan 2013 More Indian Lawyers are now considering to go abroad for an LL. M. I am given to understand that the Indian professionals in USA, most of. 3 Apr 2014 LLB, JD, LLM, study law in UK, study law in US, study law in Australia, study law in Canada, which law degree, difference between law degrees.
Master of Laws (LL. M.) Program - Boston College
LL. M. in U. S. Legal Studies, UConn School of Law. The LL. M. American Law Program (for Non-U. S. - Boston University. Enroll in BU Law's LL. M. in American Law program, which is specifically of their global clients -- clients whose cross-border interests implicate U. S. law.
LLM in United States Law - Santa Clara Law - Santa Clara University. LL. M. Program: Eligibility Requirements and Admissions Criteria.

Best 45 Masters of Laws (LLM) in USA 2015/2016 - Lawstudies.
24 May 2012 To be considered for the LL. M. program, an applicant must have a J. D. (Juris Doctor) from an accredited U. S. law school or a first law degree. The U. S. Legal Studies LL. M. Program at UConn Law accepts only a small number of highly qualified foreign law graduates each year—normally a class of. There are countless opportunities for cultural activities, outdoor adventures, diverse cuisine, cosmopolitan cities, and quaint towns. An LLM in USA can prove to.