Saturday, 8 November 2014

College professor

FacultY - RMK Engineering College. News for college professor. Faculty - SSN Institutions.

Faculty List - SAENGINEERING COLLEGE - SAENGINEERING. Asutosh College: Faculty Information.

College professor

FACULTY MEMBERS. Professor & Head of the Department. Dr. R. Sivakumar, M. E.Ph. D. Professors Dr. T.Suresh, M.E, Ph. D. Associate Professors. Ms. T. M. Goenka College of Commerce and Business Administration has highly qualified faculty who are prominent in the field of Finance.

Images for college professor

A law college faculty has filed a PIL (Public Interest Litigation) against AIB Roast at the Bombay High Court, seeking action against the makers. Designation, Associate Professor. Qualification, PhD, M. E. B. E. (Computer Engineering). Experience, Teaching: 12.5 Years. Area of Interest, Machine learning.

Assistant Professor jobs at St. Joseph's College of Engineering

ARSD College DU Recruitment 2015 Assistant Professors (105. Faculty Details, Kumaraguru College of Technology (KCT. Name of the Staff. Designation. Qualification. Specialization/ Area of Interest. Email id. Mech01. Dr. P.K. Giridharan. Professor & Head. Ph. D. Production.

Faculty - Presidency University. Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering Wanted Professor/Associate.

College professor

Faculty - St. Xavier's College, Kolkata.

23 Nov 2014 College Profile: Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, popularly known as DCE is the brain child of the clairvoyant and committed. 5 Days ago Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College (ARSDD) Delhi University invites Online Applications for Faculty Recruitment of Assistant Professor in. Dr. Tarun Kumar Bandyopadhyay (TB) HOD Subject: Mathematics Qualification: M. Sc. Ph. D. Designation: Associate Professor. Full Profile.