Centre for Continuing Education, Indian Institute of Technology. Continuing Education Programme ( CEP ) at IIT Bombay, India. Department of Adult and Continuing Education and Extension.
Continuing Education, IIT Kharagpur. NIFT - Continuing Education Programmes.
The Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) coordinates the continuing education programmes of the Institute. Among its activities, it helps in the organization of. 25 Feb 2014 Continuing Education Programme of I. I.T, Kharagpur administers mainly the following programme: Quality Improvement Programmes (QIP). NIFT has developed a range of Continuing Education Programmes, which have been developed in consultation with reputed academicians and industry.
Continuing Education Programme (CEP) - QIP/CIP - IIT Delhi
With the rapid pace of growth in technological knowledge and frequent paradigm shifts in technology, Continuing Education of working professionals in industry. The Department of Adult and Continuing Education and Extension (DACEE) came into existence as a Centre of Adult & Continuing Education & Extension.
CU Continuing Education
UC Berkeley Extension: Continuing and Professional Education. Continuing Education at the University of Utah, You Can Learn. Continuing Education at the University of Utah is your source for continuing education, distance education, technology education, professional development.
Parsons: Academics: Continuing Education: Courses. School of Continuing Education: Columbia University.

IEEE - IEEE Continuing Education.
The School of Continuing Education offers master's degree programs in emerging and cross-disciplinary fields, courses and certifications, Columbia Summer. Over 200 professional and college level courses are offered online and through email/mail. At IEEE, education occurs at many levels. Students and professionals can benefit from the many continuing educational opportunities offered by IEEE.