Netlink(7) - Linux Knowledge Base and Tutorial. Packet, Raw, Netlink, and Routing Sockets - Linux Sockets, Linux. IPC mechanisms on Linux - Introduction, Chandrashekar Babu.
Vipin Analysis of open source WLAN driver paper - AU-KBC. CiteULike: Linux Netlink as an IP Services Protocol.
#Include #include #include Netlink is used to transfer information between kernel modules and user space. The specific implementation methods used in the WLAN Linux stack. We compare. interact with cfg80211, where nl80211 is new 802.11 netlink functions which. J. Salim, H. Khosravi, A. Kleen, A. Kuznetsov. No. 3549. (July 2003). diplomarbeit linux netlink rfc.
Linux Netlink as an IP Services Protocol (RFC3549) - IP. com
BSD-style routing sockets are supported by Linux netlink sockets. This is why, as shown in Table, AF_ROUTE and AF_NETLINK are identical. AF_ROUTE is. 1 Aug 2012 The Linux kernel provides the following IPC mechanisms: UNIX Domain Sockets. Netlink Sockets. Network Sockets. Inotify mechanisms.
Linux/include/linux/netlink. h - Linux Cross Reference - Free Electrons
Kernel Space - User Space Interfaces: Socket Based Mechanisms. Slides (pdf). UNIX Domain Sockets. – Netlink sockets. – SCTP sockets. – Appendices. 0 Note: All code examples in this lecture refer to the recent 2.6.30 version of the Linux.
Generic Netlink HOW-TO based on Jamal's original doc [LWN. net]. Linux/net/netlink/af_netlink. c - Linux Cross Reference - Free Electrons.

An Overview of netlink sockets.
Destruction of the 104 * Netlink socket may only occur *after* nl_table_lock has been acquired 105 * either during or after the socket has been removed from the. There are different netlink socket types currently implemented in the kernel, all of which deal with a specific subset of the networking part of the Linux kernel. A netlink socket in the user space can be created by. sock_fd = socket( AF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW, NETLINK_ROUTE). The domain is AF_NETLINK, the type of.