Thursday, 9 October 2014

Guru purnima 2014

The Significance of Guru Purnima, Isha Celebrations. Guru Purnima 2015. Guru Purnima 2015 Date - Vyasa Purnima 2015 - AstroSage. com.

Upcoming Festival - Guru Poornima - Sai Baba of Shirdi. guru purnima, guru purnima 2014, group fire ritual to lord - Astroved.

Guru purnima 2014

The full moon day in the Hindu month of Ashad (July-August) is observed as Guru Purnima, a day sacred to the memory of the ancient sage Vyasa, who edited. 26 Jun 2014 June 26, 2014in G.

Guru Purnima 2015 Date - GuruPurnima. in

Guru Purnima is a national festival celebrated all over India and this festival is dedicated to the Guru of this In 2014 Guru Purnima was on 12th July(Saturday). Find information about Guru Purnima 2015, why and how it is celebrated in India. The main attractions and dates of Guru Purnima are also mentioned.

Upcoming Festival - Guru Poornima - Sai Baba of Shirdi

Guru Purnima – Receiving the Guru's Grace - Sadhguru. Guru Poornima in Prasanthi Nilayam - Sai Baba Darshan News and. Guru Purnima in Prasanthi Nilayam - shirdi sai baba links. Complete list of Program Schedule: Gurupoornima Celebrations 2014 in Prasanthi Nilayam - 08th.

Home. Guru Purnima, Facebook.

Guru purnima 2014

Guru Purnima - Amma, Mata Amritanandamayi Devi.

3,905 Likes. About. http://www. artofliving. org/gp2014. Celebrate Guru Purnima with Sri Sri at the Art of Living Retreat Center in Boone, NC, USA on July 12, 2014. 22 July 2013, Amritapuri After many years, Amma was physicially present for Guru Purnima in Amritapuri. Even though she had just arrived the previous day.