IGNOU - School of Law (SOL) - Introduction. SCHOOL OF LAW (SOL) - Welcome to Rajiv Gandhi National. List of Universities in India offering LLB course in Distance.
Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Diploma Courses in. Law Courses by Distance Education in India - Education & Careers.

The School of Law (SOL) was established in 2005 with an objective of imparting legal education through Open and Distance Learning system. session in June, 2007 to prepare a road map for legal education in India. Online Term End Examination: Online examination will be conducted of course, in specified centres for. Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Diploma Courses in Distance Learning, Certificate Courses of New Law College in Pune, India. Distance Learning Law Courses in India. We have provided list of Law courses which a student can pursue through Distance Learning. These Law Courses are.
National Law School of India University Distance Education
IGNOU was established in 1985 by an Act of Indian Parliament to democratize higher education. The University LIST OF COURSES OFFERED BY IGNOU SCHOOL OF LAW Post-Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights ( PGDIPR). THE BEST LAW COLLEGE IN INDIA THROUGH DISTANCE MODE offers llb in labor law through correspondence course(distant education).
Distance Education Department - dr. ambedkar law university
Courses Offered - Government Law College - Bachelors Law. Overview 2. - National Law School of India University. The courses available are: • Master of Business Laws (P. G. Degree) [2 years programme] - MBL. • One year Post Graduate Diploma in Human Rights Law -.
Law Distance Learning, Courses in India - HTCampus. com. NUJS India Legal Law Studies Kolkata National University.

LLM GUIDE - Master of Laws (LL. M.) Programs in India.
NUJS offers a few short-term Diploma and Certificate programs periodically. Post Graduate Diploma in Business Laws Programme Program Introduction. The 3 Year Law Course: Admission is open to candidates holding a Bachelor's Degree Diploma Course in Securities Law which is the first of its kind in India. Distance Learning: LL. M. in Criminal Law, Criminology & Forensic Science · LL. M. in International Trade Laws & WTO · Master Degree in Corporate Laws more.