Short term law courses india - Shiksha. com. Degree Programmes - Jindal Global Law School. Distant law, Courses - Distance Learning, Education Times.
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Online Law Courses in India - Lawctopus
Looking for Corporate Law Courses in Delhi Now Enroll Yourself in Corporate Law Courses with JGLS, Best Law School for Corporate Law offers the various. 11 Jan 2011 Interested in law, but don't have the time for the regular course to terminate their programme after the successful completion of one term.
Short Term Course In Real Estate Laws - Mumbai - Lawyersclubindia
Gujarat National Law University introduces new short-term courses. Certificate (Short-Term Refresher) Intensive Courses in Criminal. GNLU will be offering tailor-made intensive certificate (short-term refresher) courses every semester in Criminal Procedure Code, Civil Procedure Code and.
Short term courses while doing LLB - Entrance-Exam. net. Are there any short-term courses in Law, Kalvimalar - News.
Short term course on "Law and Economics", 3rd – 9th - Kanpur.
5 Mar 2008 Quite a few institutes conduct short - term diploma courses. However, a professional degree course in. 28 Nov 2013 To provide practical learning to students, the Gujarat National Law University ( GNLU) has decided to offer tailor-made, short term, refresher. Department Of Humanities and Social Science Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur announces. A short term course on "Law and Economics" 22nd – 28th.